UFC 264: Dustin Poirier’s second date with destiny

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”
-William Jennings Bryan
When a fight boils down to will, it can only be described as a war. It’s a simple yet telling analogy. And with every war that’s won by sheer will, the individual’s character transcends to a stratosphere only few will ever reach. And as it goes for the landing, a rebirth of a fighter’s soul occurs. Sounds improbable? Well, Dustin Poirier can tell you all about it.

The world truly works in glorious ways. Opportunities arise for those who aren’t afraid to take the road that requires the most resistance. Maintaining composure while staying ready for one’s inevitable turn is where the secret lies.
In a sport that patience runs short in due to its gruelling demands, Lafayette’s proudest son bided his time longer than anyone, and now he’s cashing in a lifetime’s work in the form of a historical trilogy.

That being said, prior to becoming a bonafide legend in the fight game with his last win over the biggest star in the sport, “The Diamond” had to climb back from the darkest valleys of despair for that monumental moment to unfold.
Un.der.dog |noun|: A competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or a contest.
Not only was Poirier perceived as the underdog throughout his inspirational journey, but even in life, being told he wasn’t good enough since the start. But his purpose was more prominent than anyone could ever fathom.
Not only did the Louisiana-born defy all odds in his cinematic glory hunt, but a caring soul for the ones in need around the world is what he fights for. And as the purpose grows, the harder it gets to stop a man with greatness in his eyes.

After Dustin’s second meeting with the Irishman Conor Mcgregor in Abu Dhabi earlier this year, many still believe that The Diamond’s win was a fluke. Not only is there no validity to such a statement, but with the pattern of Dustin Poirier’s journey, it’s simply his time now.
Las Vegas- September 27th, 2014
After putting in a training camp with no stones unturned, Poirier fell short in his first meeting with the Irishman. And despite not having his hand raised after doing everything possible behind the scenes, “El Diamante” found out later that his loss had nothing to do with him not being the superior fighter. It was just not his time, yet.

Following their first clash, Mcgregor went on to become the most potent fighter in the sport’s history. So in hindsight, no one was stopping Mcgregor that night because his career trajectory was already set. However, in this present time, the tables might have very well turned.
Poirier’s second-round knockout over Mcgregor doesn’t just speak about both athletes from a skillset standpoint; the finishing sequence was written in the stars all along.

“I just wanna retire with 25 million dollars in the bank, a few belts and a car for every day of the week. Is that too much to ask for?”
That was a quote Mcgregor said few months before entering the UFC. And not only did he check all the boxes of what he desired to possess, but he exceeded his own manifestation by a long shot.
On the other hand, all young Dustin Poirier ever wanted was to sign off after claiming undisputed status, alongside financial freedom for his family.

With the trilogy taking place, one of those boxes will be checked while the other lies closer than ever within arms reach. Is this a telling notion for who’s turn is it? The T-Mobile arena is where the truth shall be revealed.
The true to life prime of an athlete is when the mind meets the physical ability. Dustin Poirier is coming into his own not just as a complete fighter but as a soul. And when passion meets relentlessness, the position of prominence becomes preordained.

“Sometimes I sit back and think how far I’ve come in fighting and that this wasn’t by chance or by mistake; this was all premeditated and part of the plan. At the end of my career, none of this is gonna be done in vain. I really believe that I’m gonna become the world champion, and provide a better life for my daughter, my wife, and my family, and change a few other lives along the path. I really believe that.”