Julian Erosa Is Must-See TV

Not only is Julian Erosa becoming the embodiment of a company man by accepting short notice fights left and right, but most importantly, the 32-year-old is certified must-see tv whenever he signs on the dotted line.

Erosa made the walk last night with a heavy heart, remembering his teammate Kyle Reyes who passed away on Monday. However, trying times under pressure is nothing new to the Washington-born.

There’s something to be said about a fighter going through the darkest valleys of despair at an early age. It almost gives you the feeling that the combatant was chosen to endure early in preparation for something more potent than anyone would fathom.

At just 21 years old, Erosa lost his father to brain cancer. Such a heavy toll to be placed on such a young man early on in his journey. However, with the remarkable career resurgence, things are starting to make sense for Julian.

I don’t even need to sell you Erosa’s story, his performances alone scream must-see TV. 23 of his 26 wins came inside the distance, and when it comes to his strengths, pick your poison with “Juicy J.”

Power in both hands, suffocating pressure that tends to break the bravest of all, and lastly, his character that’s built through hardships is something you can never question.

With Erosa’s career revival, not only is he becoming a household name in the UFC, but more than ever, championship aspirations are within arms reach. And with Erosa being tested more than most in life, the time is now for “Juicy J” to step on the gas pedal and cash in what life owes him.

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